Name: Mauro
Born: 1961
Licensed: 1997
Locator: JN55CE - Pescarolo ed Uniti
WAZ: 15 - ITU: 28
WAIP: CR - EURA: 004
Club: ARI - Sezione di Cremona
Digital Club: DMC#2744 - 30MDG#5617 - FT8DMC#3949
QSL: eQSL (AG) - LoTW - BURO (if required) - ClubLog - HRDLog - QRZ.COM
Radio: Icom IC-7300 - Icom IC-7100 - Kenwood TM-421E - Yaesu FRG-7700
Microphone: NW-800 with NW-100 power unit
HexBeam 6B - Delta Loop M0PLK - EZWire 16 by CT1FFU - Vertical Extreme Super Wide by IW2EN - Dipole 40-80 W-735 -
Vertical for VHF and UHF
Remote coax switch: Ameritron RCS-8V
Tuner: LDG AT-1000Pro II - TM-535
Power Amplifier: Acom 1010 - Yaesu FL-2100B - DX-e Amplifier V2.0
In digital modes use a power of 30W while in SSB from 100W to 500W.
My software:
IC706_BKT : CAT Control for Icom IC-706, IC-706MKII, IC-706MKII/G and IC-718
IC7000BKT : CAT Control for Icom IC-7000
IC7100BKT : CAT Control for Icom IC-7100
IC7300BKT : CAT Control for Icom IC-7300
CatBkt : Universal Rig CAT Control
BktRemote Suite :Controls the transceiver remotely with Windows and Android Smartphone
BktTimeSync : Synchronize the clock of the PC via the internet or with a GPS receiver (very good for use in FT8, JT65, JT9 mode).
BktTimeSyncPhone : Synchronizes the PC time using the smartphone GPS connected via Bluetooth (very good for use in FT8, JT65, JT9 mode).
BktLocator : Manage WW-Locator with your smartphone
BktDxCluster : DX Cluster for Android
BBLogger test version : BBLogger beta version
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